
Products purchased from dataexim.in, may be refunded only if cancelled within the refund period specified below in this policy. Some products have different policies or requirements for a refund associated with them, including some products that are not eligible for a refund under any circumstance. Please see below for refund terms applicable to such products.

Cancellation Duration: 24 hours
Refund Mode: Same mode as we receive the payment
Processing Duration: 5 Business Working days

Cancellation Duration: 48 hours
Refund Mode: Same mode as we receive the payment
Processing Duration: 7 Business Working days

Refund Terms:
*If there is any mistake in the data provided
*Not delivered the service within 24 hours of request
*Received some missing Entry
*Error in Data

No Refund after Account Closure. If eligible for a refund, it is necessary for you to request a refund prior to account closure. You may elect to close your account with us at any time, but upon account closure you will no longer be eligible for a refund as otherwise permitted under this Refund Policy.